Animal Totems

Ant - Dragonfly

Ant Medicine:
Patience, Order, Discipline, Sacrifice

Ant Medicine is the strategy of patience.
Ant is a builder like Beaver, is aggressive like Badger,
has stamina like Elk, scrutiny like Mouse, and give-away like Turkey.
Self-sacrifice is a part of Ant Medicine.
Greater than Ant's other medicines, however, is patience.
It shows a trust in the Universe to provide. They work hard to build their Ant Hill,
carrying one grain at a time. Patience is a true quality that all people could use.
A person with an ant totem is active,
community-minded team player who sees future needs.
Ant people are planners,
but content to build their dreams slowly over time.
Ant people are content in knowing that
everything will come to them in time.
The ant teaches us how to become the architects of our own lives.
Using discipline, we can lay a foundation for success.
The greatest success comes with persistence and patience.
It shows a trust in the Universe to provide.
This is the magick of Ant Medicine.

Antelope Medicine:
Action, Speed, Adaptability of the Mind

The Antelope teaches us to take Action.
Action is the key element to survival.
If we have no food in the house,
then we go get some.
If there is no job, we go look for one.
These are things that we teach our children,
take action to complete their goals.
If it is a good lesson for our children,
then it should be a good one for us as well.
Just decide what action you need to take,
then take it.
Antelope medicine is the knowledge of life’s circle,
the knowledge and understanding of death.
Antelope taught humans to honor the gifts sent from Great Mystery,
and to avoid indiscriminate destruction of life.
Antelope signifies knowledgeable action.
Antelope Medicine gives you strength of mind and heart,
and the ability to take quick action.
Antelope brings a message of higher purpose.
Take courage and leap. The time is now. The power is you.
Antelope can teach clairvoyance by listening
to his voice inside of you.
An Antelope person is intrinsically psychic.
Often it is in the form of clear-smelling – fragrances
and odors will awaken this power.
Mediate using a fragrance with mush in it.
Trust your instincts.
If a person or situation does not “smell” right,
back away from it.

Armadillo Medicine:
Boundaries, Protection, Empathy

Armadillo wears its armor on its back,
its medicine is part of its body.
Armadillo can roll into a ball and never be
penetrated by enemies.
Everyone needs some type of boundry.
Armadillo teaches you how to protect yourself
and when to let your defenses down.
What a gift it is to set your boundaries so that harmful
words or intentions just roll off. Your lesson is in
setting up what you are willing to experience.
Caution against being a doormat to people.
If you do not wish to experience feeling invaded,
just call on Armadillo medicine.

Badger Medicine:
Aggressiveness, Reliance, Self-Expression

The power of the Badger totem is its aggressiveness.
We should be aggressive enough to fight for
what we believe in.
Be aggressive in achieving our goals.
This aggression can also be turned
to healing - for Badger is the keeper
of Earth's healing herbs.
Badger people are quick to express your feelings
with concern for the consequences.
They are often healers who have the courage to use unconventional methods.
Badger has the ability to persist to find a cure.
Badger people are often leaders and bosses,
the one who will get the job done.
Badger is a powerful totem when used properly.

Bat Medicine:
Transition, Rebirth

A Bat totem appearing in your life
is a call for the end of a way of life
and the beginning of another.
You must face your greatest fears
and get rid of the part of your life that no longer is needed.
This transition is very frightening for many,
but you will not grow spiritually until the old parts are gone.
Face the darkness before you and
you will find the light in rebirth.

Bear Medicine:
Introspection, Healing

The power of the Bear totem
is the power of introspection.
The answers to all our questions
lie within us.
Each of us has the capacity to quiet the mind,
enter the silence and know.
The Bear teaches us to look into ourselves for the answers.
They hibernate every year to reflect on the year that just passed.
Learn from your experiences in life to help you with
the decisions that you make.
If we are having a hard time with something; the best thing
that we can do for ourself is to take some quite time & reflect.

Beaver Medicine:
The Builder, Team Work

Beaver is the DOER in the animal kingdom.
This animal teaches us that if we have dreams,
we can make them come true. We just have to work for them.
To accomplish our goals we need to work with others.
In building a dream, teamwork is necessary.
We never have to do anything alone.
Beaver lives in sturdy lodge of mud and branches and builds
many entrances and exits to the lodge to avoid being cornered.
Those who feel trapped can invoke Beaver medicine for the inspiration
to find alternative ways out. Beaver builds canals that allow her to swim
from pond to pond. Invoke Beaver medicine to open new channels of thinking
within ourselves and to bridge channels between other.
Also, we call upon Beaver medicine for the power to build anything,
dreams, security, a home.

Butterfly Medicine:
Self-Transformation, Spiritual Growth

For us humans, Butterfly is one of the most powerful and inspiring
symbols of the animal world. This being knows exactly when it is time
to leave the comfort and confinement of its cocoon and fly into the world.
We are often not so certain. Though the cocoon of our thoughts and fears is
confining it's also safe and familiar. We are afraid of what may be outside of
Butterfly medicine can help by allowing us to discern our degree of readiness.
The four stages of its evolution parallel the development of our realities from
thought to manifestation in the outer world.
The egg stage corresponds to an idea, concept, or desire which has just formed.
You may, for example, read about a career which interests you, and feel drawn to
the idea of it.
In the larva stage you make a decision to learn more about it. You send for
information; you speak to people who are in that field. You are beginning to
build a foundation for your idea to become a reality.
In the cocoon stage you begin to "make-believe." You read as much as you can
about the career. You imagine yourself practicing it.
In this stage you may also find your fears coming up. "I'm confortable where I
am." "I know how to do it." "What if this is a terrible mistake?"
One by one, you address these fears. They may not go away, but you decide to
move through them.
Then comes the butterfly day.
You take your first giant step in the physical world to live the reality
you've been imagining.

Buffalo Medicine:
Prayer, Abundance

In the Lakota tradition it was the White Buffalo Calf Woman who brought
the sacred pipe to the people and taught them to pray.
The bowl of the pipe was the receptacle that held tobacco,
an herb with male and female medicine.
The stem of the pipe represented the male entering the female and seeding life.
In the coming together of male and female,
the connection to the divine energy of the Great Spirit was made.
As the pipe was loaded with tobacco, every family in nature
was asked to enter into the pipe and share its medicine as prayer
and praise to the heavens.
The smoke was considered to be visual prayer, and was very sacred
and cleansing.
All animals are sacred, but in many traditions White Buffalo is the most sacred.
The appearance of White Buffalo is a sign that prayers are being heard,
that the sacred pipe is being honored,
and that the promissd of prophesy are being fulfilled.
White Buffalo signals a time of abundance and plenty.
Buffalo was the major source of sustenance for the Plains Indians.
It gave meat for food, hides for clothing, warm and soft buffalo
robes for long winters, and hooves for glue.
The medicine of Buffalo is prayer, gratitude and praise for
that which has been received. Buffalo medicine is also knowing that
abundance is present when all relations are honored as sacred
and when gratitude is expressed to every living part of creation.
Because of its desire to give the gifts that its body provided,
and because of its willingness to be used on Earth for the highest good
before entering the hunting grounds of Spirit, Buffalo did not readily
stampede and run from hunters.
To use Buffalo medicine is to smoke the pipe in a sacred manner,
and to give praise for the richness of life to be shared with all races,
all creatures, all nations, and all life.
It means smoking for others so that their needs are met,
praying for the good of all things in harmony, and accepting
the Great Mystery as a part of that harmony.
Buffalo medicine is a sign that you achieve nothing without
the aid of the Great Spirit and that you must be humble enough
to ask for that assistance and then be grateful for what you receive.

Coyote Medicine:
Trickster, Adaptability, Cunningness, Duality

American Indian legend tells us that Coyote is the great trickster
of the Animal Clans, attuned to humour and fun.
Coyote is sacred. Some call Coyote the Medicine Dog.
Some kind of medicine is on its way, and whether good or bad,
it will make you laugh, maybe even painfully.
Coyote wil teach you the paradox of life, the balance of the dark and light,
the sacredness of what is not sacred at all.
While one may imagine that Coyote represents a trickster (and he does),
he also represents one worthy of trust.
This is just one way he is a symbol of duality.
He teaches us the importance of balance by being foolish and wise,
silly and serious, simple and complex, happy and sad.
Coyote is humorous and funny, but sometimes his laughter is a mask
for his sadness and desolation.
His laughter is really at the very brink of teats.
He will do anything to make people laugh, even if it means being a
complete fool, as long as nobody discovers his secret pain.
The important lessons Coyote teaches us are to love our children,
laugh at our mistakes and appreciate the paradox that is life all is sacred,
yet nothing is sacred at all.
Coyote will teach you a lesson about yourself, especially in forgetting
to learn from your mistakes.
Coyote medicine is in laughter and joking so that new viewpoints may be assumed.
Although the habitats of most predators are diminishing,
Coyote's territory is expanding because of Coyote's amazing adaptability
and cunning.

Crow Medicine:
Natural & Spiritual Law, Shapeshifting

There is a medicine story that tells of Crow's fascination
with her own shadow.
She kept looking at it, scratching it, pecking at it,
until her shadow woke up and became alive.
Then Crow's shadow ate her. Crow is Dead Crow now.
Dead Crow is the Left-Handed Guardian.
If you look deeply into Crow's eye, you will have found the gateway
to the supernatural.
Crow knows the unknowable mysteries of creation and is the keeper of all
sacred law.
Since Crow is the keeper of sacred law, Crow can bend the laws of the
physical universe and "shape shift." This ability is rare and unique.
Few adepts exist in today's world, and fewer still have mastered Crow's
art of shape shifting.
This art includes doubling, or being in two places at one time consciously;
taking on another physical form, and becoming the "fly on the wall" to
observe what is happening far away.
The Europeans that came to Turtle Island were named the "boat people"
by Slow Turtle. Even with the knowledge of alchemy possessed by certain
boat people, none had ever seen the powerful shape shifting of shamans who
utilized Crow medicine.
Many boat people were frightened by what appeared to be animals coming into
their camps or dwellings to discern their medicine.
Crow medicine people are masters of illusion.
All sacred texts are under the protection of Crow.
Creator's Book of Laws or Book of Seals is bound in Crow feathers.
Crow feathers tell of spirit made flesh.
Crow is also the protector of the "ogallah" or ancient records.
The Sacred Law Belts, or Wampum Belts, beaded by native women long
before the boat people or Europeans came to this continent,
contain knowledge of the Great Spirit's laws,
and are kept in the Black Lodges, the lodges of women.
The law which states that "all things are born of women" is signified by Crow.
Children are taught to behave according to the rules of a particular culture.
Most orthodox religious systems create a mandate concerning acceptable
behavior within the context of worldly affairs.
Do this and so, and you will go to heaven.
Do thus and so, and you will go to hell.
Different formulas for salvation are demanded by each "true faith."
Human law is not the same as Sacred Law.
More so than any other medicine, Crow sees that the physical world and
even the spiritual world, as humanity interprets them, are an illusion.
There are billions of worlds. There are an infinitude of creatures.
Great Spirit is within all.
If an individual obeys Crow's perfect laws as given by the Creator,
then at death he or she dies a Good Medicine death -- going on to the
next incarnation with a clear memory of his or her past.
Crow is an omen of change. Crow lives in the void and has no sense of time.
The Ancient Chiefs tell us that Crow sees simultaneously the
three fates -- past, present and future.
Crow merges light and darkness, seeing both inner and outer reality.

Deer Medicine:
Innocence, Gentleness, Purity

Deer carries the message of purity of purpose;
of walking in the light to dispel shadows.
Deer knows the work that it must do, and goes about that work
with no fanfare and no need for personal glory or recognition.
Nothing can cause deer to change its path.
There may be many who continually throw roadblocks in the way;
deer steps over them or goes around them.
Many give deer dozens of reasons why a thing won't work,
but it only listens politely and then continues on.
Deer people know what they must do, and will not be turned from its mission.
There are no shadows about deer; no ulterior motives; no hidden agendas;
no lies or misrepresentations, and it is not possible for deer to knowingly
hurt anyone or anything.
Children sense this about deer people, and are drawn to them.
They feel safe and not threatened.
Deer works very well with children because of their innocence.
Deer carries a strong message, but with a gentle touch.
Its determination to do its work is not destructive,
but a quiet and powerful path toward completion of the task it has been given.

Dog Medicine:
Loyalty, Devotion, Unconditional Love

Dogs carry a very special message for humans.
They are the symbol for loyalty, for unquestioning and unconditional love,
for the protector, and for service to others.
It asks nothing in return except to be loved and cared for.
Dogs are found around the world, and the have a different meaning in
every culture. There are the working dogs who herd sheep and cattle,
guard dogs, show dogs — the list goes on and on and is far too great to
truly discuss here.
In the early days before the horse was introduced by the Spanish on this
continent, dogs were beasts of burden for the Native peoples.
They carried goods on their back, and pulled the travois filled with
personal possessions and the tipis of their owners.
They were the watchdogs and protectors of the villages and camps and,
when the weather was cold, they were taken inside to curl up with the owner
and provide extra warmth. A living blanket.
When horses were first seen, they were called "spirit dogs",
and were used in the same manner as dogs.
If you are a dog lover, you are saying that your loyalty and devotion
to your family and friends is endless.
You will fight against all odds to protect them.
You also find your greatest satisfaction in life when you are being
of service to others — the helping hand — the friend in need.
You are practicing the true "giveaway" for you ask nothing in return
for your good deeds.
You also like to be "scratched behind the ears".
A kind word, a loving cuddle, a small act of kindness means more to you
than diamonds and expensive gifts.
The way to your heart is through kindness - not material rewards.
There is a word of caution in dog medicine, however.
In the extreme, you may allow yourself to be taken advantage of because
of your kind and supportive nature.
Do not allow yourself to be used against your own best interests!
Be wary of becoming a doormat, of continually putting your own needs and
wishes aside in deference to another. Don't become the whipped dog cowering
and defeated at the hands of anyone who does not value and respect your
special spirit.
There is a fighter; a protective energy in dog.
If you must use it to protect yourself, then so be it.
Value yourself first - then you can truly serve others who honor
what you have to give.

Dolphin Medicine:
Mana, Breath of Life

The beautiful, graceful, sleek dolphin carries many messages for the
two leggeds. Even though it is a mammal, its home is the sea so it has
mastered the art of breath control. Since water is the symbol of all life,
of creation , passion and even sexuality - dolphin brings us teachings from
the waters of life.
It is playful, and is a reminder that time to play is a crucial element
in walking in balance. It moves through the water quickly and with great grace,
ever moving with the flow. Dolphin tells us to move with the ebb and flow
of life, and not to search for brick walls to smash into.
To spend our energy fighting the current gets us nowhere.
We remain stuck in that negative and bad place filled with frustration
and despair. To slip through the bad times with our energy intact leaves
our awareness open to spot the way out when it shows itself, or to create
our own way when none appears. Being constantly at war with others, with
our surroundings and with circumstances we cannot change destroys the spirit,
eats away at hope, and consumes the joy of life.

Dragonfly Medicine:
Illusion, Color Magick

Dragonfly medicine is of the dreamtime and the illusionary facade we
accept as physical reality.
The iridescence of Dragon­fly's wings reminds us of colors not found in
our everyday experience. Dragonfly's shifting of color, energy, form, and
movement explodes into the mind of the observer, bringing vague memories
of a time or place where magic reigned.
Some legends say that Dragonfly was once Dragon, and that Dragon had scales
like Dragonfly's wings.
Dragon was full of wisdom, and flew through the night bringing light with
its fiery breath.
The breath of Dragon brought forth the art of magic and the illusion of
changing form. Then Dragon got caught in its own facade.
Coyote tricked Dragon into changing form, and the shape of its new body
became like Dragonfly's.
In accepting the challenge to prove its power and magical prowess,
Dragon lost its power.
Dragonfly is the essence of the winds of change, the messages of wisdom
and enlightenment, and the communications from the elemental world.
This elemental world is made up of the tiny spirits of plants, and of the
elements air, earth, fire, and water.
In essence, this world is full of nature spirits.
Dragonfly medicine always beckons you to seek out the parts of your habits
which you need to change.
Have you put on too much weight, or have you started to look like a scarecrow?
Have you tended to the changes you have wanted to make in your life?
If you feel the need for change, call on Dragonfly to guide you through the
mists of illusion to the pathway of transformation.
See how you can apply the art of illusion to your present question or
situation, and remember that things are never completely as they seem.

Portions of these animal medicines where taken from the book,
'Discover of Power through the ways of Animals',
by Jamie Sams and David Carson.




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